
I found pair work to be the most helpful to me.

Aidan from Fall 2023

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

The most productive aspect of the program is that everything is taught in Japanese but you still have an extra class that you can go to if you need some extra help in English.

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

I found pair work to be the most helpful to me, I always sat next to my friend so if I wasn't really understanding something he could help me with it.

What did you find most valuable in the Culture Course?

The experiences of being out in Japan with the teachers, they were able to show us different things that if we would not have seen if we hadn't gone out with them.

Anything you especially liked in the living arrangements? Any problems you experienced?

The convenience of having such a big city like Toshima right next to the dorms made it very easy to go out and do something.

What dorm did you live in or host family did you live with?

Ikebukuro dorm

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I selected this program because I saw a favorable review for it in my Japanese club’s newsletter, and I had been looking for a study abroad in Tokyo. I also liked how inexpensive the program was and how the offered dormitories, which few other programs did.

—Katie Penvose