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The Ornate and Functional Japanese Rain Chain

Rain chain on a temple

With climate change affecting all corners of the world, every little thing we can do to help lessen our carbon footprint is a great help to our planet. Water is something we all need. Collecting rain water and re-using it is just one of the many ways we can contribute to living greener lives. Japanese rain chains are a beautiful alternative to a closed gutted downspout that makes a great tool for collecting rain water. The rain chain is also a wonderful way to add a splash of beauty and character to your home.

“Kusari-doi”  literally means chain-gutter. Both functional and decorative, they are common in Japan. Rain chains have been around for hundreds of years in Japan and adorn the roofs of Japanese homes, collecting rainwater by allowing it to move downwards and depositing it in large barrels or other types of storage container. The Japanese then use the water for household purposes. Japanese temples also make use of rain chains and incorporate a number of ornate and sometimes larger chains into the designs.Garden & Outdoors Japanese rain chain

Japanese rain chains are typically a series of metal cups that are chained together with a hole in the bottom of each cup. They can be as simple as ordinary chain links that span vertically. The rain water is distributed from a rooftop gutter and runs downward through the rain chain. From tiny droplets to a rush of rain water, it’s a very simple yet ingenious concept that transforms a plain gutter spout into a gorgeous water feature that contributes to a greener way of life and a more beautiful home.


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